Fancy Girls

fancy girls thumb
CreatorFancy Girls
Project nameFancy Girls
Launch date11/11/2021
Max supply10,000
Floor price2
Fancy Girls nft banner

The complete guide to Fancy Girls

Just in time! The Fancy Girls NFT Collection is your chance to get in on an awesome NFT opportunity and it’s only just launched. 

Not only is this collection beautiful artwork, but it is also a play2earn based game in which you can design your own styles, mint, and sell them!

Fancy Girls NFT Collection Description 

So, what is the Fancy Girls collection all about and why is this the NFT for YOU?

NFT’s, in general, are a wonderland that not everyone fully understands yet but we all know timing is at play if making money on the collection is your goal. 

We hear about NFT’s selling for huge price tags and wonder what we would do if it were us who bought at the perfect time… 

As the Fancy Girls Collection has just launched, there is no better time to get involved. 

Currently, there are 10,000 beautifully hand-drawn pieces up for grabs with over 220 unique items and a really cool aspect is that they all have different rarities across trait types.

To get started is very simple, there is more detail about that below but put simply you only need to have a Solana wallet to get started. It’s easy!

How are the Fancy Girls NFT collections made?

As previously mentioned, the Fancy Girls collection has been carefully hand-drawn by two outstanding artists. 

The first step is to create your own style and Mint the NFT. 

Once minted, they are randomized using an algorithm that will pull traits from the pool which will determine the outcome of your Fancy Girl NFT. 

The random selection gives everyone a fair chance to take a rare trait, Good luck! 

The traits vary across the board so you can style and customize your NFT in any way you like, it’s almost endless! 

Traits such as Backgrounds, Hair, Sleeves, Earrings, Tops, Shoes, Tattoos, Stockings, Accessories, Necklace and Skirts. 

So many different options are what make this collection so fun and valuable. 

In the 10,000 different Fancy Girls, there are 5 rarity types from Common to Legendary. 

The time and effort gone into this collection are very impressive, and that’s why the artwork is so beautiful. 

How do I mint my Fancy Girls collection NFT?

The Fancy Girls Collection has just launched and is now LIVE to mint. 

Go Straight to the Fancy Girls Collection NFT minting site and connect either a Phantom, Slope, Solflare, or Sollet wallet. 

Once you have enough Solana in your wallet to start the minting process, simply press the ‘Mint’ button and you will have your very own Fancy Girls NFT!

How to buy Fancy Girls Collection NFT?

The option of buying an already minted Fancy Girls NFT is available if you’d like to do it this way. 

You can check out sites such as Opensea, Rarible, Superrare and so on. 

It’s up to you whether you’d like to mint it yourself or buy from someone else who has done this process. 

As the minting process goes on, more and more collectors may choose to put their NFT’s up for sale. 

You may be able to find NFT’s from this collection on Rarible and Superrare as time goes on.

What are you waiting for?!

To finish off, this exciting new collection has only just launched. 

Early days, early doors. As time goes on and people mint, there will be less to grab, and chances of owning some of the top-tier NFT’s from the collection will get harder. 

Head over to the Fancy Girls Collection NFT’s site and start your minting TODAY.


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