Complete guide to PROOF Collective
The most startling thing about PROOF Collective NFTs is that, aside from each one looking identical to the next, they all have one feature, and one feature alone. No traits. No special edition collectors’ items. No, each PROOF Collective NFT looks the same as the next and does only one thing. And yet only 2.4% of the collection is available to buy and the floor price is 100 ETH. Why?
The reason for this is because the one thing that PROOF Collective NFTs do is very, very valuable. The PROOF Collective NFT collection is one of a new breed of NFTs that has a very particular niche – each one acts as a key that opens a door of some sort. In this case it is, perhaps unsurprisingly, holding a PROOF Collective NFT grants you access to the PROOF Collective itself, a private, members-only collective of 1,000 dedicated NFT collectors and artists that provides members with a large number of benefits, from access to the private Discord to collaborations created exclusively for PROOF Collective members.
Being a member of the PROOF Collective is swiftly being seen as essential for those who want to make serious headway in the NFT world, and this is only possible by owning a PROOF Collective NFT. Let’s get you through the door.

What is the PROOF Collective NFT collection?
The PROOF Collective NFT collection is made up of 1,000 identical NFTs minted on the Ethereum blockchain. The NFTs themselves are depictions of physical members cards (with a vaguely strip club vibe, if we’re being honest), but, as we’ve discussed, the appearance of these NFTs is not where the value lies.
PROOF began life as a podcast, an offshoot from founder Kevin Rose’s Modern Finance podcast, formalizing as the PROOF Collective in December 2021. The PROOF Collective NFTs sold shortly after via a Dutch auction format starting at 5 ETH apiece, which shows how the perceived value of PROOF Collective membership has ballooned since.
What are PROOF Collective traits?
By this point you won’t be surprised to hear that PROOF Collective NFTs don’t have individual traits – they all look the same and have the same functionality, with all the value coming in what owning one can get you. Therefore, the only trait a PROOF Collective NFT possesses is the ability to get you into the cool kids’ treehouse.
How does the trait combination impact the price of the PROOF Collective collection?
A great example of how being a PROOF Collective member can pay off is the Moonbirds NFT launch. Moonbirds is a PROOF Collective-designed NFT collection that quickly established itself as a blue chip contender, with the collection how having a floor price of around 30 ETH. PROOF Collective members were the first to be allowed onto the Moonbirds whitelist, allowing them to mint two Moonbird NFTs per wallet for 2.5 ETH each. This allowed PROOF Collective members to bank at least a 12x profit from the venture, and this is just the start.
The PROOF Collective has other irons in the fire, such as Grails and Emote by Hearts You, as well as a metaverse play, Project Highrise. This means that more value could be on the way for PROOF Collective NFTs.
How can you trade PROOF Collective NFTs?
PROOF Collective NFTs are available to buy and sell on OpenSea, the world’s biggest NFT marketplace, with a floor price of 100 ETH. If you’re buying, make sure you are viewing the official PROOF Collective NFT collection by checking that the ‘verified’ stamp appears next to the creator name.
Evidence of PROOF Collective’s popularity can be found in the fact that of the 1,000 NFTs minted, only 23 are currently for sale on OpenSea. This means that 97.6% of PROOF Collective NFT owners have no intention of selling. Go figure.
What was the most expensive PROOF Collective NFT?
The most expensive PROOF Collective NFT ever sold was PROOF Collective #788 which sold for 139 ETH on April 22, 2022. Given that the floor remains at 100 ETH and supply is minimal, we can expect this to be broken sooner rather than later.
Where can you find PROOF Collective NFTs for sale?
OpenSea is your best port of call to snap up a PROOF Collective NFT, but remember you’ll have to part with at least 100 ETH (plus gas fees) in order to snag one. If PROOF Collective’s future plans pan out as successfully as the likes of Moonbirds, 100 ETH might even seem like a bargain a few years from now.

How can you buy PROOF Collective NFTs?
PROOF Collective NFT minting took place back in December 2021, so the secondary market is the only place to pick up a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s NFT Factory. OpenSea lets you either buy those few listed PROOF Collective NFTs outright at the stated price, or place a bid if you want to see if you can tempt someone into a lower price. These are both easily achieved through the ‘buy it now’ or ‘make an offer’ options which appear after you have clicked on an NFT.
It’s also worth noting that a small number of PROOF Collective NFTs have been marked by OpenSea as being ‘reported for suspicious activity’ and as a result cannot be bought or sold. There is no further information available to date about the reasons for this, but it’s something that may warrant more digging if you’re interested in buying a PROOF Collective NFT.
The desire to get in on the ground floor of major NFT developments has led the PROOF Collective becoming the hottest NFTicket in town. This has led to an explosion in the price of PROOF Collective NFTs and a very high floor price, one that doesn’t look like it’s coming down any time soon.
If you’re serious about NFTs (and you’d need to be, at those prices), picking up one of the few remaining PROOF Collective NFTs could be your ticket to the big time.