Zakura X

zakura x thumb
Project nameZakura X
Launch dateTBC
Max Supply9,999
Floor priceTBC
Price currencyETH
zakura X nft banner

The complete guide to Zakura X

Zakura X is an NFT Collection on the Ethereum blockchain. 

This collection features a wide range of crisp Japanese style Anime girls with different attributes and a wholesome traditional anime feel overall. 

There are 9,999 Zakura X NFTs to be minted. 

The Zakura X team is made up of 6 individuals and one artist. 

By working together, they have designed and picked each style and avatar for you to enjoy and collect!

Zakura X description

The Zakura X team is made up of 6 individuals who have shared their passion for Art, Anime and the Blockchain to come up with a beautiful set of Japanese Anime girls! 

Like all NFT collection creators, there is a strategized and organised roadmap for the current and future development of the NFT’s. 

I like Zakura X’s approach with this as it’s quite distinctive and community-driven. 

Zakura X are starting things off with airdropping 0.5 Ethereum to 10 random early adopters to their collection plus they are giving away some NFT’s to their community members!

I have seen this with other collections but Zakura X are making most of their roadmap based on the community and are doing some wicked things.

How are Zakura X NFT’s made?

Zakura X NFT’s are Japanese style Anime avatars which are 2d JPG images that have been hand-drawn by one artist and put together as a collection by the whole team.

These NFT’s on the Ethereum blockchain in the metaverse follow an algorithm when minted which will be the deciding factor of your NFT.

Different anomalies involved will be key attributes and rarities such as background, hair, clothing, jewellery, facial features, armour, horns and miscellaneous objects.

If you share the love for Japanese Manga and Anime, this is up to your street! Don’t be shy to get involved in the launch of this awesome drop!

How do I mint Zakura X NFT’s?

Minting the Zakura X NFT’s will be done through the website or a smart contract. The smart contract, minting date and time will be posted on their discord.

The full collection of 9,999 NFT’s Zakura X will be revealed approximately 48 Hours after minting has happened. 

The team will mint 59 Zakura X NFT’s themselves for giveaways and marketing. 

Some will also be added to the community fund. 

The team are also adding $20,000 to this fund made up of community fee’s and they will be able to decide the outcome of these funds. 

How to buy Zakura X NFT’s

You will be able to purchase these NFT’s on the Opensea auction platform after launch if you’d like to go this route rather than minting yourself. 

This may save some gas fee’s but you won’t be able to foresee the inflated or deflated price the NFT will be at the time you are looking to purchase. 


If you think this Japanese Anime collection is Sugoi! 

Go ahead and mint on the launch day if you feel like trying your luck with the gods of the metaverse.

Otherwise, purchasing options are also available on Opensea after launch. 

This collection is cool and a great display of Manga talent following traditional styles as well as the team’s creative flair. 


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