These days, we see NFT art virtually everywhere on the internet. Whether it’s them congregating in the halls of marketplaces like OpenSea and Magic Eden or as a profile picture on Twitter, NFT art has dominated the digital space and is more visible than ever.
And now, we are seeing this art make more appearances in the physical world. Take Center Pompidou, a famous French modern art gallery, that has announced a new partnership with several web3 projects. This partnership will see NFTs from popular collections like Cryptopunks and Autoglyghs making an appearance in a new exhibition.
Details About the Exhibition
In its February 8, 2023 announcement, Center Pompidou explained that this project is meant to explore the relationship between blockchain and art.
“The Center Pompidou acquires a set of works dealing with the relationship between blockchain and artistic creation, including its first NFTs! 18 projects by 13 French and international artists are included in the collection,” a tweet from the gallery said.
The gallery has been in existence since the 1970s and is one of the most respected in the world, playing host to art pieces from Frida Kahlo and Henri Matisse. Needless to say, it is a big deal that NFT art is finding its way into The Center Pompidou. And what pieces exactly will be on display?

As per a press release, several artworks have been chosen including CryptoPunk#110 and Autoglygh#25. And this is not the first time that Yuga Labs, the parent company for Cryptopunks, has donated a piece to a museum. A Cryptopunks piece #305 was also given to the Institute of Modern Art in Miami last year.
For Yuga Labs and other NFT companies, this represents a chance to secure not just visibility for their assets but also credibility. There are many within the art world who do not respect digital art, especially not NFT art. As far as they are concerned, the only ‘legitimate’ art is the Warhols and Kahlos of the world. But by having NFT art displayed in the same museum that would house a Kahlo, in this case, the assets are granted more credibility. Then there is the visibility angle as these assets are shown to a wider audience who might otherwise not seek out NFT art.
There is also a benefit to be had for the galleries and museums themselves as they get to be at the cutting edge of art innovation, embrace new technologies, and even attract new audiences.
As Xavier Rey, the French National Museum of Modern Art Director, says, “Web3 is an innovative territory that artists have now seized upon to create original and daring work, and this collection reaffirms our support for artists in their conquest of new means of expression, which is the foundation of modern art.”
As more time goes on, the gap between ‘traditional’ art and digital NFT art will hopefully be bridged and more opportunities can be secured for the artists in the space.